Digital Service Strategy in the Not-For-Profit Sector with Red Cross
To successfully achieve their humanitarian goals the Red Cross are reliant on volunteers, workforce, and donors. One key challenge is ensuring their services, from a volunteering and donor stand point, are digitally accessible and easy to use.
In a constantly evolving tech world, the Red Cross technology business was looking for a way to form an integrated vision of technology for the organisation. So, the Australian Red Cross commissioned FromHereOn for the development of the Digital Service Roadmap.
“The benefits of working as cross functional teams to solve problems and get better results for the consumers of our services by providing more integrated solutions as they have been thought through from multiple perspectives – if we work like this we will change the culture and status quo.”
A number of business plans were approved that required investment in digital capabilities for volunteers and employees. This included initiatives like an integrated HR system, a CRM, and a new website for donors. A Digital Services Roadmap was needed to plan for and roll out these initiatives.
Together, we took a significant step has been taken on the path to Digital Transformation through the Digital Roadmap program that we created for Red Cross Australia.
We used the FromHereOn Business Design Method that fuses Business Architecture and Human Centred Design principles. This allows us to get insightful engagement from stakeholders, reflected in our selection of a ‘Design Team’ for the project. The Red Cross Design Team was comprised of subject matter experts from across the business. These experts were supported by the executive Digital Roadmap Steering Committee, comprised of cross-department senior management and steered by us.
The Design Team defined a vibrant eco-system of 7 new inter-connected digital services. These are comprised of a balance of foundation services (aligned with customer expectations) and more innovative services that represent key opportunities for differentiation in the NFP marketplace.
Our combined effort required to grow the right capabilities and in the right sequence is summarised in the Digital Roadmap (an internal document) that organises key initiatives into 3 themes.
Created by the team, for the team: Implementation of the digital service portfolio by cross-functional teams that will further embed the Human-Centred based design and operate within an agile framework to start with quick wins and the services
Future focused: Effective management of the digital transformation from the outset, as well as a well-planned change management approach and clear understanding of who Red Cross is designing for
Fast and sustainable: Implementation of the digital enablers and evolution of the Digital Service Delivery model that enable Red Cross to iterate faster and deliver digital services in a sustainable manner.
Our work together will be followed by a phased uplift of the Information Management capability to equip Red Cross with a single source of truth and the right reporting and analytics tools.
As change consultants, we work with organisations of varied sizes and industries, playing to their individual strengths and constraints. Though across projects, our mission does not change: to simplify complex problems and realise your vision for the future. For Red Cross Australia, it was to ensure their digital services are easy to use and future-proofed.
What will it be for your organisation? From here on, things could be different. If you’re ready for change, contact us.